Wet Henry

They encouraged me pretty hard to go for a swim yesterday.  And I really was hot.  HOT hot hot.  And both of them were splashing around and swimming. Telling me how cool it was.  How much I'd like it.  

Apparently they both took swimming lessons when they were pups.  Well, I heard her say she even taught swimming lessons.  Little humans aren't born knowing how to swim.  But they kept saying that I didn't need swimming lessons at all. That I could swim instinctively.  Dog paddle.  That my feet are even webbed to make it easier. My kind of dog is apparently especially designed to be good swimmers . . . so we can go out and retrieve ducks.  

They assured me that they would be right beside me.  That they wouldn't let anything bad happen to me.  But: there weren't any ducks at all out there yesterday.  I wasn't falling for that!

Still, they wouldn't stop with the "Swimmy swimmy swimmy, Henry".  So finally,  just to oblige them,  I did go down almost to the bottom of the beach stairs.  A couple times. The last step was covered with water, the tide was pretty high, but I could see it under there.  And the bay was calm: not a whole lotta waves.  No idea where the shore goes, really, when the tide is high . . . but I guess it's still there too.  

They splashed a bit of water on my back.  And on my head.  To cool me off.  I could taste it: salty!!  

And finally after a LOT of talk about "swimmy" . . . "So nice to go swimmy, Henry!"  . . . I did put just my front feet on the bottom step. Got 'em all wet.  And it did feel nice.  Cool.  So yeah: I did wag my tail a little, ya know.  Mostly just to make them feel good. I'm kind like that! 

And then next thing I knew, I was swimming!!   

Now I'm not saying that they pulled me in.  Not exactly. But I'm not sure I actually jumped in either . . . 

It just took me a couple paddling strokes with all four feet, kinda like running slowly, with my big buoyant tail floating nicely on the top of the water: and there I was,  on those good solid red rocks.  And then I swam back to the bottom step.  

Me!!  Henry!!  Swimming!!  Oh, what a fuss they made over me!  Like I mean, it's just natural you know.  For a golden retriever.  So I did it a couple more times, since it seemed to mean so much to them.  But only close to the shore.  I wasn't going out swimming any deeper, with her in her funny bathing suit! (Why doesn't the woman just get a proper golden furry skin, suitable for all occasions?? Even a small tail would be a big improvement too . . . but does she listen to my tactful suggestions? Uh, no. She does not.)  

No no no, do NOT make any suggestions to me about swimming any deeper.  Don't even think about pulling on my leash!!  Not now, not ever!  When I'm ready I'll let you know!!  

Zoomed up the beach stairs. Shook all over, spraying water everywhere!!  Rolled on the green green grass . . . smells so good, feels so nice!!

 And then up the stairs to the deck . . .and right into their room.  And up on their bed!!  Well, sure I made the bed all wet!!  That was the point, right?  I made ME much dryer!! SHE has a great big watermellen towel to dry off . . . nobody had a towel for me!!  

And how much trouble was it, anyhow, for her to take off the bedspread and throw it in the washing machine? After I was so kind as to demonstrate my terrific swimming skills, for their benefit and pleasure?  

(Down at the bottom, that's a picture of me all dry from the other day when I'd absolutely refused to swim at all. But I don't like to be unreasonable and I had been thinking about it . . . figuring maybe I would give it a try.  

And: it wasn't so bad!!  Maybe next time I'll let her take a picture of me actually in the water -- but yesterday I just kept her too busy to get a "wet dog" shot.  There's only that picture at the top of the blog, taken after I'd jumped off the bed.  The bedspread did get my leg feathers and plumy tail pretty much fluffed up again -- only my spikey wet head providing the evidence that yup, I can swim!!  




  1. Oh, Henry, we are ALL so proud of you! Have your hu-mom show you a photo of Carl in his life jacket... he doesn't really *need* it, 'cause he has webbed feet like you. But it makes his humans feel better. Carl can swim out in big lakes, but you are lucky, you have salt water. Carl doesn't have salt water out in the middle of the prairie!

    1. That's a great idea: thank Carl!! When I grow up, I want to be just like you!!

  2. I loved loved loved this blog. You have Henry down pat! LOL

    1. Thank you for your lovely comment!! Henry is a lotta dog!!

  3. Today was dog washing day in the backyard. They do NOT like being wet or swimming. They had to go in the pool as puppies to learn how to get out and the made it clear they will steal clear of the pool. Dusty has fallen in twice but he was able to scramble out very quickly. I guess you’re on your own Henry. I’ll bring ya a towel and a ball to help you get dried off.

    1. Thank you for the advice!! I've got a big tub and an outside hose (hot and cold water) that we can use for bathing Henry -- but I don't imagine he'll be terrifically cooperative!!

  4. LOL - Henry is SO obedient, isn't her?

    1. Uh, no. He has that oppositional defiance personality of at least one of his "parents"!!

  5. Wonderful blog so like the Henry we know and love , just as well it is Summer to get your bedspread dry :)


    1. I did pop it into the dryer . . . and it was all done in a jiffy!!

  6. Just testing to see what it puts up if i follow publicly :)


  7. BIG smiles! ~ PHOENIX1949

  8. I loved this! Good for you, Henry!
    I remembered our Satch (black lab mix) and his webbed paws) loving our lake.
    Only a matter of time until you gave it a try.
    Next time, a bit deeper?

    1. I think he will want to venture out further -- he's really pretty fearless!!

  9. Mommy and Daddy didn’t see the wet bedspread coming, did they? LOL!!

  10. good job, Henry! And you did it YOUR way.

  11. Always -- "my way" is pretty much his theme song!!

  12. Cayenne isn’t a big fan of water, but I don’t think coonhounds are bred for water retrieval, the way Goldens are. Plus she has such short fur, I doubt it insulates much... So she won’t go in the river past her armpits, and even then, only to get a treat floating away from her. 😂 I bet Henry will get used to swimming, soon. Another thing that helps is a flexible dog PFD like the kind NRS sells; it lifts their back end so they can swim in a more horizontal position, and more easily see where they’re going.

    1. The PDF might be a good idea for Henry . . . although he seems to be highly buoyant with his big plumy tail! I do think he will get used to swimming and then really keen on it . . .he was the same way about learning to run up and down stairs, hesitant at first and then highly confident!

  13. He did it!! Woohoo! So sweet and funny!

  14. Oh, my, your house must have had drips ALL over! I got a good smile out of that.
    Throwing a shiny new buoyant toy in the water might be fun.
    I'm still astounded the water is warm enough for you. Here in NJ it's mighty chilly until August.

  15. Great job, everyone!
    Does Henry need to be rinsed after a salt water swim?

  16. Way to go, Henry!!! That's wonderful!!

  17. I smiled all the way through this. Thanks so much for this great story, so well written!

  18. I can remember when we went with our daughter to the lake with her lab for his first swim. He was hesitant at first it didn't take long. Now he wants to jump into any water he sees.

  19. Good boy Henry! You found a great way to dry off when your humans were trying so hard to get you into the water, but had nothing for you to dry off with when you did. I look forward to hearing of your future swimming adventures!

  20. At Chez Bess - you don't have to swim till you are 7 - but then you must learn. So glad you got him in the water because he's 15 in dog years. Or maybe even more!

    Good dog Henry.


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