Spark Relief!!

It's a cool grey morning here on Prince Edward Island and the air smells wonderful: fresh and flowery.  Henry has had his long walk, snuffing at everything assiduously and letting all the neighbour dogs and rabbits and foxes know he's been by.  Well, that took a lot of vigorous leg lifting!!   And he had to dance on his hind legs a couple times to let me know how much he enjoyed it!!  And perform a few prance steps too, just out of general joie de vivre!  Because moving just feels so good!!  And after that, rehydration with a BIG bowl of cold water -- tasted so good!  Licking his black lips!!

Now he's ready to do pretty much nothing for awhile.  Nobody does nothing better than Henry!

And, following Henry's fine example, nothing is what I've been doing a lot of also. 

Well, I've been reading blogs over at Spark People and leaving a few comments here and there as people "take to the lifeboats"!  Since it was announced June 6 that the Spark People site is closing August 17, there's been a huge flurry of activity.  

First of all, exclamations of anger and disappointment, grief and despair.  How can life go on?Utter disbelief   Especially for long term Sparkies, and for those who relied heavily upon Spark People to get through the social distancing of the pandemic.  

It can't be over!!  Surely they'll change their minds!!  Surely the unilateral decision to discontinue SparkPeople will be rescinded!!  

But reality sets in.  Especially for those of us outside the USA, it's not looking likely that the new SparkAmerica services will be available anytime soon.  Or that those new services, geared more towards workplace wellness, will ever replace the community of individuals that had been built up internationally among Sparkies.  

Who used the site to stay in touch in with each other multiple times a day. Quite frankly, very often on topics that had nothing much to do with weight loss or weight maintenance . . . and more to do with supporting each other through all the crises and sharing of all the joys human beings experience every day. Expressing all the thinking about feelings that human beings experience every day.  

So: that way of life (and it was a way of life) is ending.  Which means future Sparkie refugees have been checking out new fitness trackers.  Checking out new nutrition trackers.  Checking out out new blogging platforms.  Checking out new messaging centres on GoogleDocs or Facebook or  . . . . Then, blogging on Spark People to share the information, to let Sparkies know where various specific Sparkie friends are landing . . . Yeah, there have been steep steep learning curves for all the different new technologies. And no one site seems to provide everything that the old SparkPeople platform provided. 

It's been a lot.  And it's understandable (if sad) that plenty of people have just drifted away.

However: I'm also sensing from exchange of comments and from reading blogs, both on the old Spark site and at various new sites, that many people are beginning to feel: Ya know what this change maybe isn't so bad!!  Ya know what, SparkPeople occupied a disproportionately large amount of my life!  Less time on line might be more!  

And, as time has passed, discovering that less time on line IS more.  

Some Sparkies are saying that even after years and years of spending hours and hours on SparkPeople: they didn't actually achieve their weight loss or maintenance goals.  Because . . . they were spending more time on the SparkPeople site than exercising.  Because they weren't getting the food prep done that would have maybe better supported their maintenance. But now, but now but now: with less time on SparkPeople: they ARE losing weight!!  Feeling better about their bodies and hopeful this is going to continue! 

And some of them seem to be thinking: rather than learning a new technology,  maybe they'll just forget about the food and exercise tracking. Because they're less into rigid tracking of calories in/calories out.  Now. Since it's pretty evident that calorie tracking is at best an estimate . . . how big an apple?  (apples aren't likely the problem anyhow); and how much does my golf bag weigh if I'm carrying my clubs? or if I'm using a push cart?  (getting out to play golf is likely a good thing regardless ) . . . which doesn't take into account how different metabolisms process different foods and burn fuel differently anyhow.  

Maybe their focus has become more intuitive. More of a "wellness" focus. Enjoying the best possible foods till I'm just about full and then stopping.  Eating again when I'm hungry.  Moving in ways which make my body feel good and then stopping before I'm exhausted or injured. Doing nothing for awhile.  Just letting myself be less competitive,  Just letting myself be less interested in meeting challenges.  

Sure, their ARE people of a certain entirely admirable mindset and training who can work all that data as neutral points of information.  Who can weigh every day, track calories and other nutrients every day, track fitness minutes every day, record on spread sheets for years and years: and all without becoming obsessive.  Because for some people the data is "science".  Just supportive tools.  Illustrating useful trends which guide healthy behaviours.  

But: there are others who seem to be saying: sure, I absolutely loved the Spark community and the friends I made there and some of the skills that I learned there.   But maybe at this point in my life it was getting a little stale.  Maybe it was encouraging me to focus more on an outmoded "diet" mentality, encouraging me to focus more on restriction, more on discontent with my body and even self-loathing than is really optimal. (Uh, no amount of self-loathing would be the really optimal amount). 

And overall, no matter how much weight I lost or managed to keep off: that attitude was having a negative impact on way too much of the rest of my life.  Weigh too much. Which really is about more than what size my pants are.  

Been there, done that, ready to move on.  

Maybe the demise of Spark People isn't such a tragedy.  

Maybe it's an opportunity for a fresh start.  Now. And now.  And now.  

Time to do less.  And be more.  



  1. Well said, as usual!
    Henry is just adorable.

    I'm one who will benefit from less Spark but am better for it by meeting such a group of diverse, wonderful people I'd never have had the opportunity to in real life!

    1. Yes, we are all better for having experienced the wonderful Spark community!!

  2. Yes!!! The best part of SP was the blog posts and my favorite two (at least) are already up and running here at Blogger -- I'm sure a community will form here as they tend to do. It may be smaller, but we have a great advantage in being able to reply to posts and comments which may get some conversations started in a way that wasn't possible at SP. Tracking is a wonderful tool to help get one started or to reboot one's wellness plan, but the real effort is in the mindfulness and habits that carry us from hour to hour throughout the day. Membership makes one feel better, but only the real work in real life makes one look better.

    1. Mindfulness and habits: yes, that's what's helping me most at the moment too.

  3. Amen, amen, and amen!

    Moving on, helping others to move on, and then relaxing into the "new" rhythm of living!

    Henry, you've got this living thing down! We can learn so much from you!

    1. You've done SO much to assist with the transition . . . thank you Barb.

  4. Maybe in time 'others' will gravitate to our Spark refugee blogs: who knows!! But the real benefit for me is always figuring out what I'm thinking after I see what I'm writing -- and the comments!!

  5. I think it’s probably a good thing, to have to re-assess now and then.

    While I’m one of those people who will always track forever, all of my tracking tools have migrated away from SP over the years to more specialized options than the original “one-stop-shop” SP that I started with.

    I found SP really hard to use, in my own low-bandwidth situation. So hard, in fact, that I pretty much couldn’t use it at all, between 2015 and this past spring, when I got a new phone which had a big enough bandwidth straw that I could see anything on SP. Those ads and embedded tracking tags all those fancy graphics on the site made it so nothing would load. It wasn’t worth waiting 30+ seconds in between clicks.

    I did come back for the people, once I had enough bandwidth. It’s the connections I made pre-2015 that mattered so much, and I needed to renew them for my re-loss project. (Life was so challenging in that gap, all I could manage was repeated attempts at damage control and mindfulness).

    I’m glad the SP managers held off taking the site down until August. It gave me time not only to reconnect with the kind, wise people I’d missed, but also gave me time to come up with other ways of staying in touch past August 17.

    I wonder what it would have been like, to try and come back only to find the place completely gone???

    Timing is everything, I guess, and I got really lucky on this one.

    Now, about Henry doing “nothing,” are you sure he isn’t meditating? 😉😂

    1. SO glad that you made it back before they turned the lights out, Anja!! You've done a wonderful job with the Google docs site and we're maintaining not just weight but friendships in a very congenial way!! And you are one of those amazing people who can deal with data as neutral info that supports you in your journey!!

  6. Not and asked for change . . . . but . . . an opportunity to practice what I've learned sparking all these years. and learning to do it outside my comfort zone of Sparks. It is going to be all right!

    1. I don't think we ever ask for change -- but yes, we're learning to do new things in new ways and really believing that it's going to be all right!!

  7. BTW, Henry is looking handsome.

  8. Less time on the computer and more activity is proving to be a good thing. I joined MyFitnessPal to continue to track my food and say, "hi" to some of the Spark refugees. More time moving my body and I've lost 2 lbs. After tracking is finished for the day, there's a small blurb that states if I continue to eat this way, I'll weigh _____ by such and such a date. Gives me motivation to eat sensibly the next day. I like the little pats on the back! ;-) When one door closes...

    1. Yay you, down two!! And that's a very encouraging message to receive at the end of a day of tracking too!!

  9. I miss the huge community of bloggers and I miss the warm encouragement. Spark helped me to get more weight off and then to keep it off. As for diet, I was just being informally careful anyway, but now my challenge is being at home more in semi-retirement, so less on the go and more time to eat, which would have been a problem anyway. I need to find a new way to track my minutes, too. Another challenge was my daughter moving in with us and her being quite a sweet snacker, and me loving sweets too. That was a risk to my weight, but I’ve set up my resistance to that, so that’s down, I think. Yes, I’m wasting a lot less time, but I DO miss Spark!

    1. So glad you're over here too -- change affects us so many different ways, and retirement (or semi-retirement) is a big big life transition. But:: we'll figure it out,no question. And we'll keep up these great relationships too!

  10. Having trouble getting comments to take. If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again!
    Thank you for your wonderful blogs! I’m here but may be not visible! Similar troubles posting to the daily check in thread 😢

  11. oh I hear ya. I've been scrambling the past 10 days on my project with TheBrains and haven't done much more than stay on top of the at-goal-and maintaining team - and really only the ones who check in daily. They're all experimenting with My Fitness Pal.

    But shortly before the leaking anouncement appeared I had decided to change my morning routine to leave out not just spark, but all computer activity - because it was sucking up too much of my Other Creative Activities. Because Spark had pretty much run its course, the columnists I liked best were not there anymore, and because every system seems to have a life span, I was ready to let most of it go. If they hadn't dropped their bombshell, I probably would never have gotteen around to my project with TheBrains.

    So. Yeah. I hear ya.

    1. Look at all you are doing with less computer time!! Amazing!!!

  12. I will miss SP. It was a safe oasis and a comfortable place to learn. I loved reading blogs and comments on the Maintenance team. The thought of blogging on Facebook is just too scary. Here on blogger I am still feeling the need to be careful. I’ll adapt because it’s what we do.

    Henry prancing made me smile. DD has a schnauzer who while walking will stop every now an then and just stand up on his hind legs so he can see what’s up ahead. He is so amusing perched like a prairie dog on lookout.

    1. No question that I'll miss Spark too but . . . as you say, we adapt and find the benefits even in changes we would probably not have chosen!! Love the image of the "prairie dog" dog!!

  13. Happy Maintenance Anniversary, Ellen!

    You’ve been on this list for TWELVE YEARS! 😃

  14. Oh how lovely it is to read a Watermellen blog, and get that feeling that you get "it" the it that is me and what I agree with. I have sat so many days getting around the new and the old lately ... all learning and stopping by and keeping up with those who want to be included :)
    It is wonderful this new group of places we have found :)
    Congrats on the 12th Anniversary too :)

    1. Thank you for the 12th congrats!! Big learning curve for many of us, for sure!!

  15. How to spend our precious time on this planet, eh?

    I'm so pleased to be able to keep in touch with you and others from our SparkFamily!

    Kudos to your TWELVE YEARS of SPARK MAINTENANCE Inspiration!

    Thank you for all your generous sharing of abundant & wise kindnesses <3

    1. Thanks, Don -- certainly feeling as I get (ahem) older that how I spend the "remaining" time is something to be conscious about!! And thank you for your congrats and kind comments!!

  16. Henry looks like the happy, healthy epitome of a dog content in his family. Way to go on the 12th anniversary! Blog sums up my thoughts very well. I had been torn between how I would manage getting a book done and actively committing to another get healthy program while following my Spark friends and was somewhat relieved that the decision was made for me to let go. I can lurk, time permitting, at the Google group and handful of new blog spots that I've bookmarked to touch base with folks that understand the journey and lingo of having been active on SparkPeople for long times.

    1. So exciting that time's freed up to work on your book! And I'm so glad that you're touching base here!

  17. I think from the beginning, I considered SP a site to teach and reteach healthy principles. Weight loss and maintenance there were and are bonuses! I'm still checking in daily, maybe still on the same amount of time, but that will disappear. In the beginning, logging food was critical for me, but I haven't done so for about 9 years when DH took over cooking and I have no idea what's in it. It became unnecessary at that point, since I was following principles. I do weigh almost every day, more out of curiosity and as a check in to stay in range. SP was an answer to my prayers over 10 years ago, as it was for many others. But now, life goes on and all is well...

    1. We have learned a lot -- from Spark articles and from each other!! And we will carry on . . . even after the site ends!

  18. I have found this to be true. I miss my SP friends, but have a huge sense of relief in getting my time back. We will survive - and thrive. Love that Henry!

    1. We love dear Henry too -- what a scamp he is! And yes: SP friends are wonderful BUT many of us were spending an awful lotta time on the computer!!

  19. I just love that Henry! I was on Spark since July 2008. I admit I have learned a thing or two about losing weight and keeping it off. I owe Spark a great deal for the knowledge they impartd to me. However, if I had listened to my mother many moons ago I would not have needed Spark. Of course, at that time I thought my mother didn't know anything. Maybe it was the way she told me. I will keep practicing what I have learned especially about exercise. I have found I am spending less time on Spark these days and still maintaining so there you go.
    loved the prancing Henry vision! Thank you for continuing to blog!

    1. So difficult listening to our mothers -- especially when they were right!! We've all learned so much on Spark People and we'll continue to use it and to sustain our connections!!

  20. Very well said Ellen. I am a tracker so that aspect of Spark People will be missed. I'm still in the process of transferring all my favorites that I put in manually to somewhere else. I keep thinking will I ever be done? I do miss the daily blogs and everything you said was so right. Way too much time spent on the internet. Many times had I said I was cutting back. Well now Spark has forced me to cut back. I am continuing on my healthy journey and that will not change. You are right again, Spark gave us the connection that I think we all lost during the peak of the pandemic.

    Love the update on Mr. Henry. He seems to know when to do and when not to do. Have you gotten in the fencing you were talking about?

    I planted a lupin and I don't think it's going to survive. This year has been a terrible year for plant destroying insects that are devastating my flower beds. I'm beside myself trying to keep up on the pests. I've even considered using Neem oil and I don't want to do that, cause it kills all, which includes our precious pollinators. Don't know what is going on, but today I am once again reaching out to an expert (Master Gardner) at one of our local nurseries.

    I wish I knew more about this site, so I knew when you post blogs, as I truly enjoy your blogs. I still have to check out how this site works. Back to Computer 101.

    1. Never successful in Ontario growing lupins -- maybe the climate where I was living north of Toronto just wasn't right. But: I so agree about avoiding those really toxic chemicals! Not for me either!

  21. Everything you wrote is so true! For now I am just taking a step back to refresh. I have so much on my plate between my job and being the sole care-taker of my Mom and trying to be a Mom to a teenager that I just want to sit back and rest. I do enjoy reading everyone's blogs on this site because you all seem to have a wealth of knowledge on health.

  22. Although the Spark community has shared a wealth of information about health issues, I think many of us are just taking a step back for a bit -- and you certainly sound like you're dealing with a LOT!! Thanks for reading my blog!!

  23. Wow that hit home! I'm glad someone else feels that way. Ironically June 1 I decided to change my SP and was getting ready to "startover" and then SP did it for me! Now to get organized,I've been trying for 69 years but who knows? maybe this time...

  24. Goodbye is always hard for me to say but I know I was ready to say goodbye to most of spark. The looming Last Day also pushed me to accomplish things I always had intended to do ... some day, ya know. Like TheBook. LOL. I had already begun altering my morning routine to free up more time for Other Things, so the end of Spark was definitely a cleansing change for me. I did find a place where my little daily group gathered over on My Fitness Pal. I'm besshaile there too. I've always been Bess Haile in some form or another on TheInternets.

    So yeah - sometimes a change is as good as a rest, right? TheBrains and I still have our noses to the grindstones but we'll be out and about soon. Sometime in September. Give Henry a ruffle from me.

  25. I am glad you and your wonderful pooch have found your happy place! So glad you can be blogging again and sharing photos (gratuitous Henry photos always appreciated)I understood Sparkpeople had gone dormant ages ago -the same old articles, nothing new, the same old Spark Coach tips over and over again. I only dutifully did those to earn Sparkpoints so I could give my friends goodies. I did like how the fitness and nutrition trackers synced and made allowances for your workouts. They always worked well for me and I will miss that feature. But I don't really need to track and the thought of searching every little thing each time doesn't appeal to me. It was simply the contact with the friends I have made over the years, not wanting to lose them. There are those that are rebounders, that leave, regain the weight and come back or have a catastrophic life event and then come back later. I feel sorry they will come back to nothing. Through comments on your blogs, I am happy to see many long time Sparkies have made it to this group. I can't wait to catch up with everyone. I have gotten into trying new things and am also taking a Native Studies Course online from the U of A. I just finished attending three festivals, (mostly listening to music of all kinds)So a little busy.

  26. When I left Spark I most mourned the loss of contact with my Canadian friends. I can't believe I stumbled across your blog! On Spark I was LSANDY7. I am now on MFP with a whole group of Spark Refugees.
    Henry looks quite the handsome lad. Glad you are able to post pics on this site. I remember you had so much difficulty once your move to PEI was done. Stay healthy and happy my friend. I will try to touch base occasionally.


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