Henry's Pond


Before we moved to Prince Edward Island, our dear son had given us a wonderful book of PEI paddling routes (and another, for hikes, which helped us find lady slippers a few weeks ago!).  Both books been read and reread even before we got here . . . with maps consulted and much discussion and planning!  

These little bright blue plastic kayaks are little more than toys: hardly the thing for wild waves!  We don't want to be out "on the ocean" in our "Lifetime Lotus" boats -- not even in a sheltered harbour.  And PEI is so often really really windy!! But: they are perfect for bird watching in shallow shallow waters: very stable with their broad draft. 

That's why yesterday, for our trial run, we set off for Henry's Pond: a calm little oasis created behind a dam.  It was so lovely: geese, ducks, red wing blackbirds, huge trees and a meandering stream beyond the pond stretching north . . . which we explored until blocked by some trees that looked a bit thorny!  And then drifted downstream again with the very gentle current back to the "put in". 

Truly, more effort was expended getting the kayaks onto the elderly Volvo, fastening them to the roof racks, clicking the paddles together . . . and afterwards, getting them off again and stowed back in the garage!  There's a lot to remember and we didn't do the best job . . . forgetting that the straps go through the "hoops" for optimum security.  One of the kayaks was slipping a bit sideways but by then we were almost home.  Next time we'll do better!

And then, a leisurely late lunch (chilled asparagus soup!! waiting in the fridge . . . ) and it was just about time to get cleaned up to head for the clinic to receive our second COVID vaccinations!  Oh, such a relief to have that done!  Well worth the slightly sore arms we both have today!  And yes, it will be another two weeks until the immunization has fully taken hold, and we'll continue to be cautious with the masking and social distancing and hand hygiene: but there's still much reason for optimism. 

Except, of course, on Henry's part.  " Henry's Pond, Henry's Pond. They call it Henry's Pond!  But, did I get to go?  No, I did not.  The kong with peanut butter was nice, sure it was . . . and I like that cool room in the basement just fine.  But I ask you . . . why's it called Henry's Pond when they don't take me too?" 

Henry, Henry, Henry -- those kayaks are way too small for a great big golden retriever bouncing around and boofing at ducks!!  They're supposed to be unsinkable . . . but we wouldn't want to test 'em out with you in obstreperous mode!  As it was, we were already soaking wet!  And you, remember, don't like swimming -- at least not yet! 


  1. OJ here.

    It looks like glorious fun!
    Henry probably enjoyed his cool tile more than he would have cool, wet water.

    1. Well, not much question WE enjoyed ourselves more without Henry for that outing -- he is invited on the hikes, though!!

  2. Oh, what a lovely day... and I was going to ask, had you found Henry's Pond on your maps before Henry got named? Was he named with the pond in mind?

    Poor Henry. Carl would agree with you about big dog on little boat! He only stayed on the kayak with his favorite human for long enough to snap a few photos and then he was off! Into the water! Had they tried to paddle with him in the kayak, his "daddy" would have been in the drink, too!

    Oh, what adventures are ahead of you all! I'm excited for you!

    1. We named Henry after the guy who designed and built our last house in Ontario: and of course I'd love to get a girl golden too and name her after his wife, Bessie!! But that's not looking too likely . . . Henry is a lotta dog for us to handle "as is"!!

  3. Hello my friend…is there a way to be notified when u post a new blog?

    1. I'm so sorry: new to blogspot and if there is I don't know of it! Thank you for asking!

    2. eawes, you can use the "Reading List" on the left hand menu (toward the bottom). To get to that menu, open Blogger, then if it doesn't show up at once, click the B in the upper left corner. Click on "Reading List", then go to the "Manage" link on the upper left. Then pick "Add" and paste the URL (copy from your browser) in. Then each day when you go to your Reading List, new entries from all your followed bloggers will show up for your pleasure.

    3. Yes, I really like the reading list! It makes it way easier than it was on SparkPeople to follow my favorite bloggers!

  4. Poor Henry ... left out of alllll the fun. Our two puppy dogs don't know they are doggies.

    1. I'm afraid my DH scarcely realizes he's NOT a doggie himself!! And I'm not much better . . . there is a lot of conversation using Henry-speak!!

  5. Well - I hope he gets to try out Henry's Pond one day. I mean - it's not fair ....

  6. .
    What a delightful activity way to get in fitness minutes. Loading and unloading is a full body exercise.

  7. Lovely spot. Our local lake behind the dam, is a drinking water source therefore NO DOGs allowed in. Much bigger than Henry's Pond. I am very reluctant to take Elkie there as is a busy place with walkers, runners, skaters, cars, fishing boats, water fowl and people. Once I took my last lab Sarah III, and she immediately took to the water! Oops. Took her around the lake on leash via bicycle many times.

  8. That sounds like a great day, even though it was more strenuous to get the boats to that lovely spot and back and then later stored in the garage than actually paddling the boats on the water. But it's so good you made this first trip, because as you say, it'll be easier next time and the time after that, etc. So sorry Henry was miffed that he couldn't go to "his" pond, but he has so many other fun things to do! The "leisurely lunch" detail stood out to me, and chilled asparagus soup sounds so elegant and perfect! So glad you're enjoying PEI life!

  9. "Hayburner1969" here... I also love bird-watching while kayaking. Around here, we mostly see blue herons and this year, even green herons! Last summer I saw a grand total of 4 all summer. I've already lost count this year, and yesterday afternoon a pair of them came and fished for over an hour from a fallen tree next to our dock! So maybe their numbers are increasing.

    Your dog Henry is so cute! Yeah, he wouldn't have stayed in that kayak for long, especially bouncing around!

  10. Forgot to say that I have added you to my reading list on Blogger so I will see your latest entries. :)

  11. Green herons are especially hard to spot -- but there's nothing like a kayak for bird watching, it's so silent and unobtrusive! Thanks for adding me to your reading list!!

  12. Still here. Still getting used to finding new blogs posted.
    Love the coincidence of "Henry's Pond"
    What a beautiful, peaceful location!

    1. There are so many appealing possibilities in my PEI kayak book!!

  13. Poor sweet Henry!! He misses out on some of the best stuff!! How lovely, though, to have found such a sweet spot!

    1. Henry has pretty much an ideal existence . . . we do dote upon him!! But sure, he could find room for improvement!!

  14. Sounds like a really nice day!

    1. Yes!! Hoping we may get out again tomorrow . . .

  15. Oh poor Henry! Maybe someday?

    1. We would need MUCH bigger kayaks -- or a better behaved/smaller dog!!

  16. Henry says maaaama I wanna go!!!!

  17. What a lovely lovely outing! Henry will adjust... ;). We're heading out in the RV today for two weeks, cats in tow. We'll see how that goes, LOL. We're thinking of getting kayaks for next year... I'll have to pick your brain beforehand. Glad you had such a lovely day!

    1. Wishing you all the best with you inaugural RV trip!! What a perfect thing to be doing . . .

  18. What are the odds! Henry's Pond! Amazing. A happy day all with its ups and downs. Cute Henry.

  19. Thanks for your comment!! These are happy days!

  20. It sounds like an amazing day - but poor Henry, no pond for him!

  21. What a lovely day Henry must love his new home just as much as you do :)

  22. What a beautiful day! Poor Henry, being left behind, but understandable! Treats are good! Mom gives Daisy a treat anytime she leaves the house.
    What a tribute to this home builder to name him for the guy!


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