Anniversary #42!


Oh my, we looked young back then.  But in reality, we weren't so very very young when we got married on June 22, 1979: we were 28 and 30.  It was a very small wedding, just the two of us and two witnesses to the court house. Strawberry shortcake and champagne afterwards!  Not so pricey -- and we'd have to say, the years since have been not a bad return on our modest investment!

Because oh my: there have been a lot of years, 42 of 'em , since then!  So many life changing events too: a couple of babies, now 37 and 34; a tornado; for me, a return to school after six years being a full time mum and then a total change of careers which made it possible for the two of us to work together; for both of us, three houses and then a big move last February from Ontario to our fourth house on Prince Edward Island!

Here we were, a couple years ago when we finally had a formal anniversary picture taken for the first time.  We were just beginning to think about retirement then and all the different steps in the planning which were going to be necessary. Fixing up our old house and selling it, transitioning our business, buying a new house . . . Our target date: April 30 2020. Somehow, despite a pandemic and quite a few daunting challenges,  everything did more or less fall into place and it's all happened. Exceeding all our expectations so far. 

And yesterday: our first swim of the season!

Well, Henry could NOT actually be persuaded to go into the water  . . . here is is hunkering down on the beach stairs behind his protector!!  But both of us both went in.  

The water was warm and so salty . . . just lovely for the first day of summer, with many more swims to come! Kayaking too! 

And, we hope, many more years of healthy happy retirement stretching out ahead of us.  Tonight, we'll be celebrating this first retirement and first PEI anniversary with a glass of wine.  Please raise a glass with us to celebrate your own miracles!  

Because because because: these happy moments are miraculous indeed.  


  1. Happy Anniversary to you both. Our anniversary dates were always overtaken by other celebrations. Mother’s Day, my birthday, DS’s birthday, FIL birthday and then our anniversary. Many years we were broke, tired of cake and too exhausted to party again. We’ve been married 46 yrs but are still celebrating our 18th anniversary or so we say.

    Beautiful beach access. Henry needs a large sea bird to chase to learn to enjoy the beach. We have a local beach nearby that allows off leash dogs. Such fun shell collecting for me and we get to watch dolphins at sunset. Right now we get to see empty cruise ships off shore and military ships.

    1. We've never done a big party or cake kinda thing either -- and we've always been broke!! But congrats to you two on 46 and still feeling like a mere 18! Once Henry starts swimming we anticipate there will be no keeping him out of the water -- judging by our previous golden retriever, Charlie!

  2. That water looks so inviting... Happy Anniversary to both of you! Henry, get with the program... Carl challenges you!

    1. Yes, I will just mention to Henry that Carl is a GOOD swimmer -- see if that inspires him!!

  3. What a happy story! And from your blogs, I can tell that there's been lots of love and joy over the past 42 years, as you experienced all those important chapters together. And now you have a lovely life in a new place. Congratulations on your new home and all your years together!

    I'm surprised and amused that Henry won't go in the water yet. He's not living up to the retriever reputation! I hope he changes his mind and starts loving it.

    1. Thanks for your congrats and good wishes -- there have been a lot of good times and we're forgetting about the other times! I really believe that Henry will take to swimming like the proverbial duck to water . . . soon. He's so intrepid, nothing fazes him!! Although last night's thunder and lightning had him looking for a little comfort and reassurance!!

  4. WhooHoo ... we will celebrate 45 years this October. Dang ... time flies by when you're having fun.

    1. Yes: having fun is a big part of it!! And the years have zipped past!!

  5. Happy Anniversary. Can't believe you are swimming, seems like you had snow & ice not that very long ago. So glad, and here in sunny San Diego overcast most of the day, 69 degrees with some sprinkles. I don't think Elkie is a water dog, either.

    1. The ocean is exceptionally warm here -- like the Carolinas! Part of the reason we wanted to be on the sheltered Northumberland Strait side of the island! Henry is, I'm pretty sure, going to become a swimmer: but for now he's more interested in exploring the shore!

  6. Happy Anniversary! And here's to many years of happiness on your island.
    - PHOENIX1949

  7. Happy, happy happy, HAPPY Anniversary... and thanks so much for sharing the joy! You two make such a lovely couple. I'm certain Henry will find his sea legs soon enough! {{{HUGS}}}

    1. Thank you for your congrats and good wishes! And yes, Henry has FOUR legs so he's gotta find the sea legs soon!!

  8. Happy happy anniversary. And oh my - those wonderful photos. And a swim! and kayaking! Oh my - the miracles that surround you - I'm so glad (though not surprised) that you're savoring every one. We had a courthouse wedding with two staffers as witness. But I love me some wedding cake and I ordered one that we enjoyed for a whole warm sunny April week. 1974. So long long ago.

    1. So glad you ordered the wedding cake!! Strawberry shortcake is the big fave here and we recreated that memory with some new good friends on Saturday: those special tiny heart-shaped strawberries that are red red red all the way through!!

  9. OJ here.
    Of course, the first thing I notices was your new, well made stairs!

    A happy and healthy anniversary to you both, and many more!

    1. Thank you thank you!! Those stairs are works of art: and the same lovely fellow was here today repairing a couple of worn-out boards in the lower deck, with the same precision and care!! He got TWO big cookies!!

  10. Congratulations on 42 years together. We celebrated 48 years this past April.
    Time sure does fly by in a blur.
    Well done!

    1. Good for you . . . you're heading rapidly towards the big 5-OH!! Hoping hoping hoping that we're still alive and well for that one too!! Enjoying every present moment no matter what!!

  11. Happy happy happy anniversary and happy happy happy retirement!!!!!!

  12. So you were married on my 32nd birthday. Another connection we have!
    Lovely photos and so glad you can post them here since it was not possible on Spark.
    A belated Happy Anniversary!

    1. That's just so amazing . . . the anniversary/birthday "coincidence"! And we have new friends here on PEI who share the same anniversary, also celebrating 42 years together!

  13. Happy Anniversary! Wishing you both many more wonderful years together.
    You are a courageous soul. I would have been with Henry, the water temps up there are a bit too brisk for me.

    1. Thank you! Truly, the water is just wonderful!!

  14. Happy Anniversary! Lovely photos! What a big boy Henry is! I was surprised you can swim in early summer. My image of Canada is that it’s cold, but it must be warm in summer in PEI. As a child, I remember the sea around the UK being rather cold to swim in, even in summer. I don’t know now with global warming.
    We’re coming up to 42 years, married at 28 and two thirties children, one about to hit the big four oh!
    Raising a belated glass! Many many more to both of you!

    1. The Northumberland Strait side of Prince Edward Island is noted for warm waters -- "as warm as the Carolinas" as we hear very often. Thank you for your good wishes!!

  15. 🍷Raising my glass! (A bit late)

  16. What an absolutely lovely blog attesting to the enduring ove of you and your beloved. Beautiful.

  17. Raising my glass to you! Happy Retirement!

  18. Ours was a small wedding too. Just us, my bride's maid and his best man and the best man's wife. We were able to go away overnight and then we settled into married life for a week before he left on a 2-month cruise. It will be 55 years on August 27.

    For us, June 22 is the anniversary of the day we moved into this house 44 years ago.


    1. Your 55 years is a wonderful length of marriage - and 44 years in the same house is quite a record too!! We had 34 years in our final Ontario house!!

  19. Happy belated anniversary! You have had so many amazing years of adventure together and are now capping it off with a beautiful retirement dream place! How interesting Henry hasn't gotten into the water. Well when we got Daisy at about 4 years old, she avoided even puddles on the street! So unusual for a lab! But eventually, she did get into the water, and how she did -with amazing enthusiasm. Her main exercise became chasing a sturdy water toy used for training retrievers. It had to be sturdy, as she would get so excited her teeth would jitter on it! The difficulty now is keeping her out of the water. In her old age she is still very eager, but her arthritic paws have become very painful -so no more toy tossing to avoid those powerful leaps into the water. She just enjoyes the swim.


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