
Showing posts from July, 2021

Calories or Hormones?   I found this recent brief vlog by Dr Jason Fung particularly useful in articulating why counting calories in (nutrition) and out (exercise) very often does not result in the fervently desired maintainable weight loss. He summarises the long-term research and explains the role of hormones: both in stimulating the overwhelming perception of hunger which without fasting can result in over-eating,  and in governing basic metabolic calorie burning.  The majority of calories we eat go to sustain these metabolic functions -- far more calories than we can burn by vigorous exercise, which taken to excess so often results in injury.  Generally, I'm a fan of Dr. Jason Fung and the Fasting Method. And I practice moderate i...

Spark Relief!!

It's a cool grey morning here on Prince Edward Island and the air smells wonderful: fresh and flowery.  Henry has had his long walk, snuffing at everything assiduously and letting all the neighbour dogs and rabbits and foxes know he's been by.  Well, that took a lot of vigorous leg lifting!!   And he had to dance on his hind legs a couple times to let me know how much he enjoyed it!!  And perform a few prance steps too, just out of general joie de vivre!  Because moving just feels so good!!  And after that, rehydration with a BIG bowl of cold water -- tasted so good!  Licking his black lips!! Now he's ready to do pretty much nothing for awhile.  Nobody does nothing better than Henry! And, following Henry's fine example, nothing is what I've been doing a lot of also.  Well, I've been reading blogs over at Spark People and leaving a few comments here and there as people "take to the lifeboats"!  Since it was announced June 6 that the ...

Canada Day

Here's the English version song written in 1992 for a contest to celebrate Canada's 125th birthday.  And the French lyrics version is immediately below. No, the song didn't win.  But it's still a pretty good song.   And: even though all Canadians are this July 1st reeling with daily news of more and more unmarked graves of indigenous children buried at residential schools: Canada is still a pretty good country. Perhaps just not as good as we thought we were.  As we liked to believe we were.  I'm still flying my flag, of course I am.  But my blog isn't headed "Happy Canada Day!!" with exuberant exclamation points.  Because  this is most definitely a Canada Day for sober reflection.   How could this nightmare have happened here?  And continued for decades? How can wrongful inequalities still be happening here?  How ca...